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Before navigating to the beatpressure site, it's most beneficial to get a Moonsama login setup first. This can be done following the steps below. If you would like to try first as a guest you can do so using the Play as guest.

1. Go to and then select an option to use (i) KILT (recommended) and (ii) EMAIL to login.

Login creates an account and logs you in with one step and so if you don't have an account it will generate one.

💡 The instructions to login and setup an account are available in the wiki here Account Setup

2. Following the above you will then be able to login. After login you can set your (i) Email address (ii) Linked Minecraft Account and (iii) Gamer Tag which is shown in game from the address which can be selected from the user icon on this page as shown.

3. Next to login into the beatpressure you go to and select Log in with Moonsama. It will then ask you to login using your Kilt or Email from the portal. Select one and then authenticate and Accept.

4. When you are logged in select Play and it will take you to track selection screen. Please note that only Beat Pressure is free to play, all other tracks require you to own the NFT track from the Public pressure marketplace here:

After purchase you can then portal them into the metaverse to play different track levels.

💡 The instructions for bringing NFTs into and out of the metaverse portal are available in the wiki here: Using Portal

5. Finally to play the game, select the track and then select Play. Then it's all about selecting the keys as shown in time to the music. Good luck it's crazy addictive and challenging 🔥

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